The Hidden Joys of Being a Fool

People often think I’m a fool.

Some of those who think I’m a fool, do so with condescending disdain.

walls instead of bridges

Apparently they are very wise and good at determining the foolishness of others as they practice all the time. Seems a bit of a burden to bear as they always appear to be surrounded by fools and their job entails pointing foolishness out to fools, which is rather a pointless task as fools never appreciate such pointings out. But to each his or her own.

These sorts of people take themselves seriously. Fools don’t take anyone seriously, and often make flippant remarks which cause those who are serious to have a meltdown.

Those who are seriously wise live in a world populated by don’ts. They are concerned about maintaining their image. Worried about what others will think of them (even if those others are fools, in fact the opinions of fools terrify them). They are anxious to appear… but would hate it if they disappeared. They are certain everyone is thinking about them, but would be mortified to find out that no one is doing so as they spend an inordinate amount of time deciding what those others are thinking about them, which is usually is not complimentary, and an even greater amount of their mortal life span trying to control what others think of them.


When I’m with one of these seriously wise people they often order me to stop looking at them, apparently my eyes are thinking things about them which they do not like, but they get even more annoyed if I roll my eyes (in an effort to not look at them) as this is insulting, and if I turn my back on them it’s even worse.

A fool often feels foolish for trying to please the seriously wise as their displeasure is their pleasure.

But fools rush in… and they also rush out when they realise there is no point in being where they rushed into.

guardian angel

Some of those who think I’m a fool, do so with affection and anticipation.

They look forward to those instances when I will regale their eyes with a ridiculous act, a sudden burst of spontaneously uncoordinated activity.

They enjoy knowing that at any point in a conversation out of my mouth will gush a waterfall of inanities which will brighten their day with an unexpected laugh.

They know that long silences on my part when I seem far away in my own inner wonderland, often looking very serious on the outside, deep in contemplative thought like a wise old crazy hermit, will crack open like a simple egg and out will emerge an Easter parade of strange creatures.

While watching The Rum Diary a friend pointed at Johnny Depp playing Hunter Thompson’s character in the film and said – That’s you, that is! – or something like that, it was probably more eruditely put but I was only half-listening just like I was only half-watching the film. The half that was paying attention laughed with enjoyment, considered the comparison to be spot on (if you knew me, you’d probably maybe perhaps agree), although not in an obvious manner.

The Rum Diary

I like to keep my crazy under wraps…

…and so, it seems, do many of those who know me.

I often get the feeling from people that to them knowing me is a secret, and sometimes guilty, pleasure, one which is best not shared with too many as others might want to steal it away.

I used to think I was just imagining things, that it was just a fanciful impression, but some imagined things are hard to unimagine once they are imagined. They also appear more and more real the longer that they are imagined and…

…especially when people say things to me along the lines of – Most of the people I know would not like you – in a conspiratorial manner as though they are whispering it to the dragon they hide under their bed, the alien they stashed in the cupboard under the stairs, the gremlin they keep in the shed at the bottom of the garden, or some other creature of possible unreality who is being hidden somewhere away from the eyes of others who just wouldn’t understand the friendship.

And of course those sort of creatures often vanish when they are revealed to too many eyes, particularly to those belonging to the seriously wise who don’t believe that such foolish things exist and if they do they should not be allowed to do so just in case their foolishness is contagious.


People often think I’m a fool.

I know I am… and enjoy being one immensely and with reckless abandon.

It’s more fun than being seriously wise.

I’ve tried being seriously wise… the foolish side of me found that boring and decided to rush out of it.


let's see what happens

And now I’m going to go and have a nap under an olive tree…

The Olive Tree – Kismet – Howard Keel


The fool stood beneath the olive tree

“What a wondrous thought” said he

“But alas, it is very, very deep”

And so he yawned and went to sleep,

Because you see, he was a fool!


    • Thank you. I enjoy being foolish, it’s liberating, and sometimes it turns out to be wise naturally without the need for serious/wise thinking which I find constrictive and often get wrong and end up being even more foolish than if I’d just gone with my original foolish impulse. Life is an experiment with uncertain results 🙂


  1. To quote the paraphrase of Epictetus from the movie Serendipity: “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.”

    I completely agree with: “They know that long silences on my part when I seem far away in my own inner wonderland,i often looking very serious on the outside, deep in contemplative thought like a wise old crazy hermit, will crack open like a simple egg and out will emerge an Easter parade of strange creatures.” I don’t want to gloat about having a creative mind, because I don’t consider mind too creative–more absurd–but we have that quality of going silent, which means that we are actively listening and conjuring up something appealing at the same time. People should be curious, not afraid, because we’re not here to offend but stimulate.

    Sometimes I think my foolishness is taken offensively, as if this city doesn’t appreciate it. However, as much as moving is desired, I don’t want to leave Syracuse just yet. There’s a few things to be taken care of, cleaned up, and dating (unfortunately) is one of them. This is where foolishness is coming into play. I’m starting to think that my contesting to go with the norm is being confused with negativity than anything else. Perhaps these women aren’t ready or naive. I’m being too respectful, perhaps, coming across as timid rather than aggressive, and this might not appropriately display confidence.

    “Let’s see what happens” is a good mantra, however. We are who we are. Life is too short to worry about the negativity, especially when we aren’t going out of our ways to be that way.


    • Many artists, writers and creatives feel that offending people is an intrinsic part of the creative process, because that way you’re noticed and you leave an impression. In fact many consider it to be a goal to aim for rather than something to avoid. To say what others are reluctant to say and do what others are reluctant to do.

      If what you’re seeking is adventure and love, a romance of life, then being yourself is a key to unlocking that door. Have you seen Midnight in Paris? I’m guessing you have as you love Paris. It’s a great observation of the heart versus the mind’s view of who we are and what we’re supposed to do with who we are, sometimes those two stop fighting and come together.

      Negativity is one of those concepts which is a catch all for things which are often not negative at all. Some of the best muses are negative, they stir the soul and their friction creates sparks.

      You have at your fingertips one of the greatest tools in the world to create that which you seek, perhaps the reason you are not ready to move or find the one of your dreams is because you haven’t created the place and the person yet, and the desire to move and find love is waiting for you to use it by writing it first, then it will free you to have it for real.

      Who knows, life is very poetic with the obstacles it throws in our path.


  2. I think of conformity.

    To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    the greatest accomplishment


    • Conformity is one of those things which is perplexing because so often all those conforming are yearning not to, and sometimes it just takes one person to break the spell and there’s a huge collective sigh of relief. And you wonder, why was everyone conforming when no one wanted to?

      And in this day and age when there is so much focus on individuality, when conformity is frowned upon and non-conformity is lauded, it’s even stranger because we’re all supposed to be different yet in some way be the same kind of different, be a kind of different which conforms with society’s idea of the kind of different which is trending, anyone who is different from the accepted type of different is rejected as being the wrong kind of different.


  3. It it was up to me, I’d trust the fool before the seriously wise. It’s no accident the fool can get sidelined or maybe even executed… like you posted in another blog when the truth comes out it disturbs the untrue because it cant quite be contained within the finite shape of something that is too small and narrow for it to fit and since the fool has no interest in fitting in, she free to be herself


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