Do we really see ourselves in the mirror?


Do we really see ourselves in the mirror? – is a search term I saw the other day in my stats which led someone to my blog.

It caught my attention for several reasons.

It stood out because it didn’t have the word – narcissist – in it, as the majority of the searches which lead people to my blog do.

There is much I could say, and probably have, about narcissists and mirrors.

There has always been something which has bothered me about the concept that narcissists are in love with their reflection in the mirror, due to the myth which gave narcissism its name. The myth itself suits the disorder, but just as with many things connected to narcissistic personality disorder, and mirrors, there are distortions which become more real than that which is actually there.


Of the narcissists whom I have known, I can’t think of a single one who actually liked their reflection in the mirror. Mostly this seems to be due to the mirror not showing them what they want to see. Worse still the mirror is prone to point out their flaws to them. Telling them anything but what they want to hear. When looking in a mirror they experience what the Evil Queen in Snow White felt when the enchanted mirror told her that she was not the fairest of them all. Which is why narcissists prefer to look to people for their reflected self rather than into actual mirrors. They can manipulate people, whereas mirrors are not as cooperative because mirrors have nothing to gain from the relationship.

Human interactions always have an element of gain, of give and take, whereas a mirror does not want nor need anything from us and neither does our reflection. It’s just there, as is, and it echoes us back to us.

Who are you? – we ask the mirror, ourselves in the mirror.

Who are you? – the mirror, our reflection, asks as a reply.

What do you want from me? – we ask.

What do you want from me? – is the reply.

Tell me who I am! – we demand.

Tell me who I am… – it says, not a demand so much as a reflective request.

If the mirror could do more than just reflect ourselves back at us, echo back to us all that we project onto and into it, it might challenge us to the very core of ourselves, saying things such as – I love you as you are, don’t look at the imperfections, at what is wrong with what you see, look at your eyes, how alive they are, look at me, see me, accept me as is… accept yourself as you are, as is.

Perhaps it does say all those things, and more, but we don’t hear it, its voice is faint compared to the voices inside which often shout and drown everything else out.


Perhaps it speaks to us… we just don’t listen, just as we don’t listen to ourselves but seek to find what we want to hear in the voices of others.

charlie chaplin

That question – Do we really see ourselves in the mirror? – stood out because it is a profound question which on the surface appears simple. Just as our own reflection appears at first sight. It’s the sort of question which only when you attempt to answer it do you find how deep it is and how far beyond the surface simplicity it delves into the complexity of being human. Just as when we look further into our reflection we find that the mirrored surface is not as flat as it seemed and if we reached into it we might disappear.

Before you can answer such a question, other questions need to be asked and answered. Such as – Who is looking in the mirror?

If you do not know the person who is looking in the mirror, how are you going to know yourself when you see yourself?

Perhaps you’re looking in the mirror to find yourself?

But if you are, will you recognise yourself if you see yourself?

Or will it be like one of those moments when you catch sight of your reflection and don’t recognise that it is you and wonder why that person is staring at you making you self-conscious. How rude! What are they thinking? Do they like what they see, is their gaze complimentary or are they criticising you?

It’s surprising, or perhaps to be expected, how self-conscious we are when we look at ourselves. More so than when others look at us. What is it about our own eyes watching us which makes us so anxious, nervous, and prone to find excuses to look away or distract ourselves with a pimple or other imperfection which we perceive?

ernest holmes

We sometimes get annoyed at others for not knowing us, not seeing us, particularly when we think we know them and see them. We’ve taken the time and space in our lives and minds for them, why won’t they do the same for us – perhaps they think they have and feel the same way about us.

But when someone who does know us well and sees us clearly looks at us, we don’t want that kind of knowing gaze to look at us, especially when that knowing gaze is our own reflected back at us.

We look away from ourselves and look to others, finding comfort in them not knowing or seeing us, and in our knowing and seeing them, finding a certain grumpy solace in the fact that we can’t be known or won’t be known, but others can be and are. They can’t possibly know us, it frustrates us but comforts us too, but we can and do know them and that too frustrates and comforts us. We love and hate it at the same time. With others such things are easy and difficult, but with ourselves the challenge is beyond difficult and easy.

Why are we looking at ourselves… like that? What are we thinking when we look at ourselves, do we know? We may be aware of some of what we are thinking when we are looking in the mirror, but what is our reflection thinking when it is looking at us? Does our reflection think differently from us?

Oh, look at those bags under my eyes, and those lines, when did I get so old? – we might think.

Those bags carry the weight of your world within them, years of living, years of experience,  mementos of time spent, those lines are the map of paths taken, this is the history of being, it’s not about being old, it is about so much more which is a part of you, of your being, why must you focus on the least which seems to be the most, when there is so much more to be found beyond… – the reflection says, but its words are lost as we search for a way not to see what has been seen, not to seem what appears to be.

deng ming dao

A mirror is just a flat surface which reflects us back at ourselves when we look in it. So what we see is influenced by how we look into a mirror. It is also affected by our attitude towards mirrors and looking into them. And by the attitude of those who may catch us in the act of looking at ourselves, and of how we feel if someone caught us in such a position.

Everything has so many layers of so much… so very much muchness.

What we see in a mirror, be it a real one or a person acting as one for us, is what we are seeking, but what we are seeking is not always what we hope to find.

Do we really see ourselves in the mirror?

Yes. No. And everything in between and beyond.

We are seen yet never seen. Known yet never known. The part which remains a mystery is there to keep us searching, for the aim is not to find, but to keep seeking. The journey is the goal, for in taking that journey we discover our world, both inside and outside… and… and…

personality revealing mirror


    • Thank you 🙂 I think I borrowed much muchness from somewhere… no idea where or from whom though. All the authors and their works which I’ve absorbed over many years have become a part of my mind soup. It satisfies a certain something though, doesn’t it 😉


  1. Very beautiful, insightful and moving. And I love your portrait reflected in the mirror, it really says something about you: your complexity, your appearinng and disappearing at the same time as you do in your are so real and authentic and yet beyond the screen. Thank you, I find myself through your voice,it’s a precious


    • Thank you 🙂

      Ha! I just read this right after I answered your other comment and in my reply to it I mentioned my being an escape artist at heart 😉

      It’s wonderful that you’re finding yourself, it is a truly beautiful meeting, very worth it and indeed a precious gift!


  2. Wow…very profound.

    What I see in the mirror has changed a lot over the years.

    Now, I try to see the beauty that others see.
    I try to see the ugliness that others see.
    And I look at myself to see the things others see as I might see them…

    I see my body as a vessel. My body and face aren’t who I am.

    My body shows me if I am taking care of it or not.
    My face shows me if I am keeping it up to society’s standards, of which I am letting go little by little…

    I see my face and body as companions. They’ve carried my true self within all these years safely and without trauma. My body has been good to me, although I haven’t always been good to it. My face reminds me of the sorrow I’ve faced throughout the years, and I have to remind it of my happiness, too.

    When I look into my own eyes, I often don’t know what to say to myself…maybe because most of my inner dialogue happens when I don’t look into the mirror. But I do have the subconscious tendency to look away (as you mentioned), perhaps because I lived most of my life believing other people more than I believed myself. Or because I kept wanting other people to see me instead of my seeing myself…I kept waiting for someone else’s approval. Maybe my self is still somewhat disappointed in me for that.

    But, I’ve noticed lately that my reflection is starting to be a little happier…I hope it’s because I’ve spent more time in these last months trying to get to know it.


    • Kim, I do share your efforts, it took me a very long time to start doing it for myself instead of against myself! We’ll reach there one day!


    • Thank you 🙂

      That is an excellent observation about the eyes! Looking into our own eyes and meeting our own gaze is a very powerful act. It’s an affirmation which needs no thought or words. When we can’t meet our own gaze, that tells us more than words or thoughts could ever do. When we look at ourselves and really see ourselves, not the face, not the body, but the being within who radiates out, it is a communion with the core self.

      That’s wonderful! To look and notice that your reflection is happier! Beautiful! No one sees us or knows us the way we do, and when we take the time to do it consciously… ugliness and beauty become one, that is a personal power moment!


    • Thank you 🙂 What a wonderful compliment!

      My reflection is and has always been my best friend, the one person I know I can trust and have always been able to trust. When I look in the mirror, it’s not about the aesthetic appearance, it’s just checking up on how I’m doing, saying hi to a friend, seeing how everything is going. How I look in aesthetically really doesn’t matter, it’s just how I look which is mostly normal 😉


  3. Well, my response to this interesting and thoughtful post would be that we do all have a mirror that speaks back to us: other people. We often find ourselves entangled with people who we find to be objectionable. If we really look at this with objectivity, we will realize that throughout our lives, with the possible exception of babyhood, we attract those who reflect ourselves. Since we are all unconscious throughout our lives unless we take aggressive and difficult measures to wake up, this will continue. Nevertheless, we think it is the other person who is the problem. I think everyone should watch (not just read about) Byron Katie (among many others) eliciting this recognition from the people that come to her looking for answers to their problems. If we want to know who we are, we can look at our friends, our SO, our coworkers, our boss and most importantly: our enemies. They are simply us reflected.


    • Thank you 🙂

      I do think we find pieces of ourselves in others, just as others find pieces of themselves in us, especially in what we project onto others and in what others project onto us. Such as in the roles we need them to play for us and in the roles they need us to play for them, or which we think we need to play for them. Yet sometimes looking to others for our reflected self is a bit like glancing in a funhouse mirror.

      I do agree that we need to be conscious of ourselves, of others, of how we relate to others and how others relate to us, pay attention to our perspective, question it, explore it and challenge it, pay attention to the perspective of others, question it, explore it and challenge it.

      Those who are ‘enemies’ are indeed often our best allies when it comes to knowing ourselves. Just as friends can at times be obstacles to knowing ourselves, especially if in getting to know ourselves better we change and this changes their perception of us.

      It’s a complex and intricate dynamic. Knowing ourselves and knowing others, and others knowing us.

      I think the path to self-knowing is different for each of us, and part of the journey is in discovering the path which suits us as there are so many. Life is in some ways an experiential experiment in self-discovery and discovering others. We wake up when we’re ready, not when others want us to… that too is a part of self-knowing.


      • Right on!!! You cannot always trust friends to mirror you back adequately as they have their own shadows and inability to see things at times and do project at times too. (Just as we do). sometimes the other person is the problem for a while. Until we find out its best not to spend too much time with them. We don’t just make up the abuser. the abuser abuseses …its not just in our imagination.


        • That’s a good point. We all have problems, issues, darkness, and when someone else openly admits to theirs it can unsettle others, especially if the coping mechanism which others are using involves disconnecting from their own darkness. Owning up to ours in some ways can make us the keeper of the darkness of others.

          Relationships are wonderfully complex, so many layers, so richly deep. So very distressing, yet also uplifting.

          Knowing others allows us t know ourselves. Knowing ourselves allows us to know others. When we know who we are, we don’t need others to tell us who we are, we can make room for them to tell us who they are.


  4. I’ve been following you on tumblr for awhile and just discovered this blog. I only just discovered what my mother was/is. I am a 43 yr old mother of 3 who has been in denial about so many things for so very long and you gave me my first aha moment a few months ago. Thank you so very much for your beautiful ,insightful writing. xoxox


    • Thank you 🙂 and welcome to my WordPress cyber home!

      It’s interesting how the 40’s (I’m 45) seem to be a time of awakening and awareness for so many, it’s like we finally get time to really get to know ourselves and our lives in a way we haven’t before. I think perhaps there is a natural confidence which is a gift of this age which allows us to face things we never felt ready to do before, but now feel compelled to do it, to change our way of being and become more ourselves, more in tune with who we are as we are and to explore ourselves.

      Aha moments are awesome!

      Best wishes ♥


  5. This is soo true….I haven’t thought about this. Thank you soo much for writing this wonderful article. ..


  6. When I look into a mirror I like what I see I am who I am and thats how I want to stay but I also see something else something that’s not me something that’s part of me but not who I am a darker part of me the part that holds all of my fears but I accept that part of me to it is my fear the thing that pushes me to become the better part the part I love the part I am but there is also a third part that just stares at me with those eyes like it wants a different life a life of magic and dreams the part I wish was true but isn’t and that’s fine because I do like my life I wouldn’t change it if I had the chance so there are three parts I see the one of evil the one of good and the one of dreams I am all of them but its more like they are me it’s weird I know but it’s how I feel do any of u see the same thing


    • Thank you for sharing 🙂

      That’s an insightful perspective. We all have multiple facets, and sometimes mirrors show us those different sides. There is a lot of interplay between shadow and light within us, just as there is outside of us. Would we love the sunshine as much if we didn’t have night? And on a really hot day we seek the shade rather than the sun. The same applies to us, without our darkness to bring contrast to the light, would we appreciate the light side?

      Accepting ourselves, all of ourselves, as we are is a challenge, especially when our idealistic side looks at us with what if’s. It’s all a part of the human experience, of the adventure of being alive… sometimes it is terrifying, sometimes it is thrilling, sometimes it is boring, and sometimes it is blissful.

      Let everything happen… see where it leads!


  7. I fell a lack of subtle level of perspective in what you’ve written. Looking at a mirror compels one to identify with the body, and over a continued long interval, this can also lead to excessive obsession with the body (which is always in a dynamic state of change and shall definitely wither one day or the other). Many personality disorders can also surface with due course of time). Obviously, mirrors should be used, but not in an obsessive manner, or should not be looked into for long.


    • That’s a good observation.

      Like I said in the post, everything has so many layers. So do people. So does what we see when looking in a mirror, be it a real mirror or our mirrored self in another. If I included in this post every subtle level of perspective I could see (not including every subtle perspective others can see from their personal point of view), which I saw when I wrote this, see now or have ever seen and may see in the future, this post would still be being written and would never get posted. These were just some reflections written there and then in the moment then posted. The rest is up to you to see. And share if you choose to do so 🙂

      And if you listed all the subtle levels of perspective which this post lacked, would you ever finish writing the list?

      A post like this is like a quick glance at ourselves in the mirror. We see what we see in the moment, based on whatever we are focusing on in that moment, and there is much we don’t see as well because we’re not focused on that in that moment, but we might see it retrospectively and wish we’d included it or are glad we didn’t include it. Sometimes our sense of self dysmorphia works for us rather than against us.

      And what if someone else is watching us while we glance at our reflection, do we see them or just their reflection too, watching us or our reflection? And does the knowledge that we are being watched affect what we see of ourselves and of them too?

      Perspective is everything, and it does change, moment by moment. Optical illusions… our eyes are used to making sense of them.

      So, how long is too long for looking in a mirror? And are we looking at our reflection in the mirror or is our reflection looking at us? Is our reflection thinking what we are thinking when we look at it when it looks at us?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Actually the questions that you raised were really commendable and were worth a significant deal of contemplation. Looking in a mirror is only fit for as long a time as it feeds the very basic of our needs. We need not look into them for long as looking into them, binds us in some way to space and time. This bondage is tolerable if it is very feeble, but on the contrary, if it intensifies it is not so. There are some kind of optical illusions that are like fuels to the fire of lust, anger and greed. Lust, anger and greed are the three dimensions that somehow or the other distort our perception and make reality hidden beneath the mire of ignorance. Obviously, I am not opposed to the idea of using mirrors but what I mean is that it shouldn’t be looked into for a very long time. In response to what you asked, we need not wonder whether our reflection is looking at us or we are looking into the mirror. To sum it all up, I would like to reminisce the point of space and time.


        • Thank you 🙂

          Mentioning lust, anger and greed as you did is interesting and sychronistic as I was exploring the theme of the 7 sins for a project recently, which also required looking into their ‘mirror’ – the virtues which go with the sins.

          To understand space and time… and to reminisce about such concepts, one must first decide what space and time are, and to do that we may distort space and time to fit our concept of those concepts. In some ways everything is viewed through a solipsistic eye… including what we see in a mirror and our view of what a mirror is.


          • Solipsism is true indeed, but it is partial truth. It is not the complete representation of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Light seems to acquire a orange or a green colour when it passes through a orange or a green coloured bottle respectively. Observing this phenomenon, a child may think that orange or green is the colour of the Light, but a well educated person knows the true Nature of the Light. But for those who are not aware of the true Nature of the Light, the conception of the true Nature of Light shall remain incomprehensible. Similarly, when we develop the perception of our conscience, it is influenced by the material body of ours, which gives rise to solipsism. Although, the light of our consciousness is influenced by the bottle of this material body of ours, it retains its True Nature.And, if our endeavour is to understand the true Nature of this conscience, then we may be called elevated. The true Nature may be revived by indulging the moments of our human lives in comprehending and integrating the principles of the eternal literature.

            Space and time are the two dimensions where the activities take place. I am quite fascinated and intrigued by your conception that in our pursuit of understanding space and time we may reach a point where we may distort it. What exactly underlies your definition of their distortion?

            The modes of ignorance or sins as you may call them, are called so as they degrade the consciousness of a human being. In many deep scriptures, the essence of the human life is stressed upon. In them it is imbibed that the human life should be completely utilised for the upliftment of a living entity to a spiritual platform. A human life is different from an animal’s in the sense that the consciousness of a human being is far more developed. We do not have that good material bodies, our eyes are not like that of a hawk, nor can our skin withstand adversities which an animal can. The difference lies in our consciousness, which as the scriptures assert that it must be elevated. The sins make us fall down. Just like a root is the sustenance for the tree, similarly Lust is the prime root through which all the sins come into manifestation. All the other sins are the emanations of the Lust. Those learned and self-realized souls who have escaped the snare of Lust have won over the flickering nature of mind and have attained tranquility.


            • Interesting question. How would you answer it?

              I’m reflecting your question back at you because you appear to be more certain of things, of the known of the unknown, of owning an absolute, than I do – those who embrace the answer over the question are better suited to giving answers than those who embrace the question.

              And I’m in an Eugène Ionesco state of mind, that is my space and time right here and now, it will be gone in a blink, at the moment… or is it Zen, whereby the moment you perceive a piece of blank paper, it ceases to be blank even though your pen never touches it… your mind has filled the space with your perception of what a blank page, an empty space, means at the time which you perceive it – look at it later and it will not be the same.

              “Describe a circle, stroke its back and it turns vicious.” ― Eugène Ionesco


              • Well, I was waiting for a reply from your side as your perception seems deep and intriguing to me. The Zen technique which you referred to is a powerful one in illustrating that this world is an illusion. And, its like yin-yang, half of the circle is white and the other half is white. Its the course of the Nature, cold and heat, distress and happiness.


  8. I found your insight interesting. I didn’t read it thoroughly, nor did I read all the comments. What caught my attention was the very last question.
    Imagine a mirror that could reveal your personality Would you dare look? My answer would be yes. I don’t know why I have a hard time discerning the image I see when I look in the mirror. I guess it’s me…It’s hard for me to grasp the whole reflection, appearance in a physical sense…I see a rather homely looking imo woman with a little sparkle in her eyes. I am always curious about her and how she is connected with me. It’s not a perfect body, not beautiful, not ugly I would be more interested and look longer if I could see my personality.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing 🙂 I love your take on it!

      In some ways the mirror does reveal our personality when we look at ourselves in it. What we feel and think when we look at ourselves is our personality revealing itself to us. But what is it revealing of our personality?

      It’s not dissimilar to what we think about other people when we look at them – that says more about us than it does about them. But what does it say about us?

      I read an article a while ago which said that people never see what they actually look like. Sometimes what we see is more flattering, sometimes less flattering, we all apparently have body dysmorphia of a sort, but it’s not always in its negative expression. We just can’t see ourselves, and those times that we do may also be those times we don’t recognise our own reflection. If we can’t see ourselves as we physically are, what are we seeing? Is it our opinions of ourselves, or our hopes for ourselves, or our personality reflected back at us in physical form, or our mood at the time, or…?

      I don’t look at myself that often in mirrors these days, mostly because there aren’t that many mirrors in my house and the ones which are there are in unobtrusive places. There’s no mirror over the sink. I don’t wear make up so I don’t seek out the mirror. I quickly look in one when I’m going out to make sure that I don’t look too odd. That’s about it. But when I was a child the mirror was something I sought out to have a chat with myself – I was an only child who often didn’t have other children around, so in some ways my reflection was a playmate (not as sad as it may sound).

      I do however use mirrors quite a bit in photography. I find when taking someone’s portrait it helps if they can see themselves in a mirror, people become less self-conscious about a camera pointed at them and I can get some very intimate shots which reflect how a person feels about themselves.

      I think in some ways our view of our reflection reflects our relationship with ourselves.

      Going by what you’ve said about yourself, what you see in the mirror, what comes across is a beautiful caring feeling which you have for yourself. That is a wonderful reflection!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I had to chuckle when you said “I quickly look in one when I’m going out to make sure that I don’t look too odd. That’s about it” That is exactly how I feel! I rarely wear makeup, except when I go to church or a event that is more than casual. And then, I only wear a minimal amount. I don’t want clumps of mascara on my cheeks. Having poor vision , I have to take my glasses off to put on make up and that’s a problem cause I can’t see well close up. That could be why I don’t wear makeup…That is about the only time I give more than a glance. The other weird thing is, I don’t photograph well. I am not photogenic…some people naturally look good in photo’s. Who knows? I am a “what you see is what you get” kind of person. I am who I am, the good, the bad and ugly. I feel people see through me. Some people can put on a different face and their appearance is a outward shell that can be altered for their purposes. Once I had one of those “Glamour Shots ” taken and I learned long ago that with enough time and makeup anyone can be magazine pretty! Lol! Someday I would like to have a photograph taken that captures me in my full essence that I could admire and say. Here is a picture of me, blah, blah, blah and I like the way it turned out, instead of ahhh! Delete that one. I don’t like it. I look goofy.


        • It’s true that there are certain people who have photogenic faces in the usual view of being photogenic. However some of what is captured in a photo of a face depends on the lens being used. The most common lens used (and that includes phone cameras) tends to distort features as it has a slight fish-eye effect. That’s why if you have a prominent nose like I do, your face in a photo tends to be all nose 😉

          Lighting makes a difference too, as it can also cause features to distort.

          Make up tends to flatten the face and you can change how the facial features appear. For most of the shots you see in magazines, photo-processing does a majority of the glamourising as you can completely alter the face. Shrink a nose, make the eyes larger, plump the lips, remove lines, change the lighting, etc. Some magazines take this too far and you’re left with someone who looks like a mask with no one behind it.

          But the most affecting element is what someone is thinking when they’re being photographed. Many models train themselves to empty their mind of their own thoughts. There’s an interview in a documentary with Kate Moss where she explains how she learned to be photogenic, and everything she does for shots of her to turn out as beautiful as they always do. Some of her beauty is natural, but she works hard at what she does, and does it in a way so that those looking at her photos don’t notice the behind the face work.

          Most people however don’t train themselves to be photographed and tend to have a sudden rush of thought which is often anxious, which is why you often see people pulling their head back kind of like a turtle into its shell for protection, stiffening into strange postures, or grimacing instead of smiling. What you end up with is a photo of self-conscious anxiety.

          I tend to look like an angry deer caught in the headlights with a giant nose in random shots. However I tend to be the only one who notices how odd I look, other people don’t look at us the way we look at ourselves. What we see in a pic of us is also largely about what we’re thinking when looking at the photo. Our friends see someone they love, who warms their heart, makes them feel good, when they look at photos of us, so even if we look goofy they see that with eyes of love and our goofiness is something they love about us. But those same friends when they look at photos of themselves do what we do when we look at photos of ourselves, we all tend to focus on what we think is wrong or not as we would like it to be. It’s a strange human trait.

          What I find is that everyone is photogenic as long as they’re not told to ‘smile for the camera’. Take a photo of someone when they are unaware of being photographed, or know they are being photographed but are distracted (which is why many portrait photographers get their subjects to talk about themselves or their favourite things, etc, to distract and therefore relax them), and the shot brings out the character of the person which is always stunning to see. 🙂


  9. When I look into a mirror I like what I see I am who I am and thats how I want to stay but I also see something else something that’s not me something that’s part of me but not who I am a darker part of me the part that holds all of my fears but I accept that part of me to it is my fear the thing that pushes me to become the better part the part I love the part I am but there is also a third part that just stares at me with those eyes like it wants a different life a life of magic and dreams the part I wish was true but isn’t and that’s fine because I do like my life I wouldn’t change it if I had the chance so there are three parts I see the one of evil the one of good and the one of dreams I am all of them but its more like they are me it’s weird I know but it’s how I feel do any of u see the same thing


    • Thank you for sharing 🙂

      That’s an interesting way of looking at yourself. I don’t think it’s weird, all humans are multi-faceted.

      If you think about an author who writes a fictional book, all the characters in the book are a part of the author, and sometimes the characters are very different from each other, which means that the author has these very different sides within them. Books like Jekyll and Hyde, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, are great examples of the many dualities and personas which we can all experience within ourselves. We may have only one body, but we have many personalities within blending together. Some work well together, such as your darker part inspiring your better part. Kind of like what the creators of superheroes do with their stories, transmuting something dark into something positive, yet respecting the darkness because without it, the better side isn’t better. It needs the inspiration.

      The trickiest part of knowing ourselves is blending our different aspects together. Perhaps that’s the role of the dreamer, since dreaming is a deeper language within us, and sees beyond black or white, bad or good, it unites the parts which are split.

      When I look in the mirror, I tend to see the one friend who has always been there for me. Sometimes we get along and sometimes we don’t, but I’m always there for myself. I can tell myself anything, share my deepest hopes and fears, and know that I’ll be straightforward with myself.

      Looking in the mirror is a good way to gauge how you’re feeling and know that the person you see in the mirror cares.

      That’s my take on it.

      Take good care of all of you 🙂


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