And Sometimes

A beautiful gem of a post (if you follow the link on the reblogged post) by a very talented writer and great observer of life, of hidden gems, others and himself.

Chris is one of those gems of which he speaks – sometimes I think of him as having stepped out of a P. G. Wodehouse novel (and I don’t just mean his Jeeves and Wooster series) – that’s a compliment as far as I’m concerned, as he is one of my favourite authors and his characters have a richly timeless quality.

You’re so money, Chris!, and you don’t even know it! (referencing another one of his wonderful posts – Syracuse Night Life, Dating: The Saga Continues.)


Thank you for sharing!

Christopher S. Malone

Sometimes when you least expect it, you’ll find a gem. Sometimes that gem-to-be is covered in soot or dirt or dust.

Sometimes it’s so simple.

However, when you notice this gem, it will morph into something greater and sweeter than you expected.

My latest with Syracuse New Times. Here’s your espresso shot:

View original post


  1. I feel awful that I have not gotten here timely to thank you for re-blogging this. All of this means a lot, and your constant support and compliments are always appreciated. I hope all is well. Now, it’s time to do some more catching up.


    • I follow your blog, I know you’re busy with the ramifications of your life and talents, which is tip-top and something to be celebrated. Life is life and to be lived by one and all as it happens. It would be churlish of me to take such things as your absence and busyness personally unless I enjoyed such a hobby 😉

      Dude, just abide. All is well 🙂

      Love your post and thank you for sharing it!


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