An Upturned Soul

Sometimes in my wanderings I come across a creative expression which leaves me speechless within and without… this is one of those.
A beautiful poem, mesmerising and inspiring, thank you for sharing!

Different Perspectives

Sometimes I climb the walls
To lie on the ceiling
Catch myself
From falling
From feeling

Lingering in the webs
Of memories
Holding back & healing
Suspended in guiding light
Permeated with insight

I balance on the wire
Afraid to fall into the fire
Stepping on the stones of light
Embracing the flame
Awakening the change

I challenge the steps
Taken with burnt toes
Molding me
Scolding me
With lessons learned

The burning feeds my life
Bruised & battered
But still whole
Walking the tightrope
Of mind, body, & soul

Uplift through newly formed wings
Integrated & aligned
All needs combined
Through you & me
And not material things

The flight is nice
And freedom’s calling
It won’t keep you from falling
Away from fear
And your true calling

I follow that voice
Still slightly unknown
Through mysteries unfurled
And problems uncurled
I make the choice

Its me at the…

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