Tangled in Apophenia’s Web

Apophenia's web


Who is Apohpenia and what is this web she weaves which can entangle us?

We’re all Apophenia at times.

We’re all weavers of webs which entangle, and in which we get entangled.

We are atoms seeking to make connections between and with other atoms, creating worlds, realities, meaning, as we do.

A spark glistens before us, filaments flowing rays seeming to reach towards other sparks. We follow the trail, a cosmic traveler chasing a comet, riding the adventure, seeking a journey, looking for enchantment…




A knock on the door.

The telephone rings.

The person at the door is not the same as the one calling you on the phone.

This happens the very moment you relax on the loo, certain that no one would bother you, you had some time all to yourself.

This particular scenario occurs to me so often, I’ve concluded that it’s part of a conspiracy… to stop me from going to the loo.

I’m not sure why this conspiracy exists, it seems rather inane, but it’s not my job to figure out why those conspiring against me are doing so.

I have asked them why they’re doing it, but they evade my probing by turning things around on me, making me out to be the crazy one. These are obviously not the sort of people whom you can confront, they’re conspirers, it has to be secretive or else it’s not any fun… it was silly of me to think I could deal with this head on.

My cat is in on the conspiracy too, but you can’t interrogate a cat, they’re inscrutable.

And yesterday a frog got in on the act. It showed up in the bathtub.

Things are heating up just as the weather gets colder.

The pressure is on and being turned up.

Don’t relax!

When you relax, that’s when they come for you…


Being Amused by Apophenia - Bruce Poulsenextract via Being Amused by Apophenia by Bruce Poulsen


Or maybe it the universe telling me that when I relax… everything happens all at once.

Could that be a good thing, for a change…

Stop holding on to it, it’ll only happen when you let it go.

Or maybe it’s just a repetitive coincidence…like the way the sky clouds over when it rains. But not all cloudy days are rainy days, so that’s just a coincidence.

Perhaps… no… but… is it just something I notice when it happens, and don’t notice when it doesn’t happen…

I should pay more attention to those times it doesn’t happen, maybe that’s where the real conspiracy abides…



At home… not outside of it.



  1. Who ARE you!?? Your blogs are the the most BRILLIANT I have ever read on internet or social media or anywhere!!!

    And, they have changed my life.

    Thank you Carol > > Carol Davis > It is in my darkest hour I learn the most about my light and my relationship with Light > > Get my book, Changeless Change, here


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

      I’ve been following Kim’s blog for awhile. She is a talented artist and writes heartfelt posts. It’s always a pleasure to explore her work.

      What did that post actually mean for you, I wonder. Is about you, is it just another strike against your ex, all about what she has done to you, or did you listen to the advice about what a child of a narc really needs from the adults around them. Kim is always very clear about the responsibilities that adults face when they share a child with a narcissist.


      • I like how her writing style uses art to express her life, thoughts and experiences. It’s unique. It resonated with me, because even as step parent, she still teaches great parenting skills, especially in the experience with a narc. I think she is amazing, and it’s a wonderful and beautiful blog. This post made me think of you because of the recent series you’ve been blogging about so I wanted to share it with you. Love on. ❀


      • Thank you. πŸ™‚

        It’s been tough, but mostly a good tough. Trying to take care of myself but more antibiotics are in order, unfortunately. We put in an offer on a house that we really love and were just accepted today. πŸ˜€


        • How exciting about the house! πŸ˜€

          I saw an intriguing film the other night about illness, and how we can sometimes heal ourselves by a change in the way we live – The Guitar (2008) – it’s based on a true story, although the true story is different from the film. It got me thinking a lot about those things we deny ourselves and how that affects us, how often we put up with things that don’t suit us because we think it’s what we’re supposed to do to, and how we sometimes fight was is good for us because what we really want can be scary especially if we’re used to denying ourselves what we want, perhaps as a strange way to protect ourselves. Stuff like that.

          The new house and new job are antibiotics too, your system just needs time to adjust to so many changes for the better. You will get well soon ❀


          • Thank you. πŸ™‚

            I often think that we feel we have to deny ourselves in order to “earn” anything good.

            Thanks for the film suggestion and the idea that the new house and job are antibiotics – I love that way of looking at it. πŸ˜€

            Liked by 1 person

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