For Those Who Love Questions: A What Type Are You Questionnaire

Don’t worry I’m not the one asking the questions. However these are the sort of questions which I love to ponder, and which have helped me to get to know myself better.  Do you have courage to move into the unknown? They’re also quite useful for getting to know others better. Are you truly interested in the views and attitudes of others?

All questions come from: 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile. If you use them in a post, please add the link I’ve just shared with you, as a blogger you know the value of the blogging etiquette of linking to source and giving credit where credit is due which in this case is to James Burgess’ website.

Here are the questions:


Do you prevent people from taking advantage of you?

Do you keep to your No decisions?

Do you mostly feel free from imposition?


Are you truly interested in the views and attitudes of others?

Do you make opportunities to meet new people?

Do you make friends and contacts if you go to a new place?


Do friends and associates often thank you for your kindness?

Do you often give gestures of appreciation?

Do you easily win children’s confidence?


Are you good at avoiding being ‘stuck in a rut’?

Do you have courage to move into the unknown?

Do you quickly let go of the past?


Are you an assertive person?

Are you good at choosing and asking for what you want?

Are you likelier to take action than to grumble?


Do you make amends if you cause someone harm?

Are you relatively free of guilt?

Are you a person who can “forgive and forget”?


Do you usually wake up feeling enthusiastic?

Do you “take life as it comes” with easy acceptance?

Are you using your talents well?


That’s it!

It’s a simple questionnaire. It doesn’t score you and generate a result for you, you have to do that for yourself. You can just answer the questions, then scroll down to the varied results and their descriptions which offer some ideas to ponder and be mindful about or completely ignore.

It also offers a detailed insight into each question, which I loved reading and which I have included in this post. Beneath each one I’ll share my own answers to the questions, I’m keeping it short today (Was that howls of derisive laughter, Bruce!?!). My answers represent what I do now, rather than what I’ve done before.


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Do you prevent people from taking advantage of you? If I suspect that someone is trying to take advantage of me, and it serves no purpose for me to allow them to do that, then I engage ‘stonewall’ mode. I am naturally stubborn, so I just crank up the volume on that. I can also be infuriatingly stupid… it can be very useful sometimes.

Do you keep to your No decisions? It depends on whether my No decision is a help or a hindrance, right or wrong. I tend to use critical thinking (analysis and evaluation) before I say No these days, so if I’ve said No anyone who wants me to change my mind will have to offer me a calmly presented logical and rational reason to do so (unless you’re my cat).

Do you mostly feel free from imposition? Hmmm… There are certain impositions which society and government place upon people which are a burden and I’d like to be free from those but I understand the purpose of them even though it isn’t always logical (or as logical as it was when those impositions were originally set up). If there’s a quid pro quo to something I consider to be a bit of an imposition, then fair’s fair.

Self-score: Yes. Yes. Yes (mostly, but I’ll ponder on this one later as I felt it hit upon something within which I need to explore).


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Are you truly interested in the views and attitudes of others? Yes. Always have been, always will be.

Do you make opportunities to meet new people? Ummm… So, I’m going to try something new for me now which I’ve seen bloggers do on WordPress – tagging. I have no idea what the blogging etiquette rules of it are or how you’re supposed to do it. I’m going to ‘tag’ 3 bloggers (how do you ‘tag’ bloggers?) and ask them to answer the questions in this post.

A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip – because I recently participated in one of his questionnaires, this is the link to the second part of that – Game on – series 2 – Even Creepier! –  and he asks a lot of questions… although I get the feeling that he prefers to ask questions rather than answer them, but I’ve only been following his blog for a few days.

Sparks From A Combustible Mind – because I got the idea to ‘tag’ from one of her posts –  Painless?…Let Us Hope! – and she loves answering questions. I know she’s very busy and may not have time to do this, but you never know if you don’t ask.

Irok Woo – because she wrote this post – Shadow Work Questionaire – Stream of Conscious – and I loved how she answered the question.

Let’s make it 4 bloggers…

Lolsys Library – because she valiantly tried to answer questions I’d asked in a recent post (which I made up on the fly as I wrote) which seemed to befuddle quite a few people and she succeeded magnificently – An “OPEN” Share Your World  – because she did it her way!

Do you make friends and contacts if you go to a new place? Ummm… I am very shy (partly because I am very crazy and very weird), and it usually takes me forever to feel comfortable enough in a new place to reach out to people. I did meet my new neighbours right away when I moved to where I live now and we chat every now and then.

Self-score: Resounding Yes. Ummm (thus No). Ummm (thus No).


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Do friends and associates often thank you for your kindness? Yes. And I’m getting better at accepting the thank you’s graciously instead of running away from them.

Do you often give gestures of appreciation? Yes. If someone does something wonderful, good, great, kind, helpful, useful, etc, I tell them. I may also do something to confirm what I tell them (but that can get awkward sometimes). People usually love to know when they’ve done or said something you appreciate – so I let them know. Simples!

Do you easily win children’s confidence? Yes. Mainly because I am very shy, very crazy, and very weird and children totally get it… and I totally get the bizarre questions they sometimes ask. I will answer straight up, because children appreciate that and know when an adult is bs-ing them. I also don’t treat children like children, I treat them like I treat everyone else – as equals, as people, as human beings.

Self-score: Yes. Yes. Yes.


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Are you good at avoiding being ‘stuck in a rut’? Yes. I hate being and feeling trapped. I’m not a fan of routine and repetition (although I do use repetition to cope with certain aspects of my dyslexia). I’ve been stuck in many ruts and have thus become a fairly skilled escape artist.

Do you have courage to move into the unknown? Yes. Although I wouldn’t call it courage so much as a passionate lust to explore what is unknown. This is partly why I ask the sort of questions which others may find strange. There are certain unknowns which terrify the crap out of me, sometimes I leap into them without looking because I don’t want to get stuck in a fear rut. Sometimes I push myself over the edge into an abyss because I was stuck in a fear rut.

Do you quickly let go of the past? Yes. No. I’m not stuck in the past, but I find the past useful to review and explore as it influences the present, which influences the future. I’m very forgetful, my mind is a sieve (although I was discussing that saying with myself the other day while in the kitchen trying to unblock a sieve…), but I also have the memory of an elephant. Some things aren’t worth dragging out and along with you.

Self-score: Yes. Yes. Going with Yes.


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Are you an assertive person? Yes. But I tend to do it quietly, gently but firmly rather than loudly, harshly and in your face stomp-on-othersy. People often tell me that they find me intimidating, I’m a softy really but it can be useful to be seen as intimidating, it can also be not useful at all. Those who think I’m an easy mark, a pushover, often end up cursing me for having misled (I used to think this was pronounced – mizzled – which I prefer) them.

Are you good at choosing and asking for what you want? No. Because I’m not always sure what I want, and choosing requires trying a bit of everything to find out what the options really are all about and once I’ve tried a bit of everything I may be even more unsure about what I want. I do know what I don’t want, and if that’s one of the options then it is easily eliminated.

Are you likelier to take action than to grumble? First I’ll grumble, and keep grumbling until I’m fed up of my grumbling, and then I’ll take action to figure out what it is I’m really grumbling about. Then once I know what the problem really is… sometimes that’s all the action I needed to take. I can appear to be in stasis, in a lethargic funk, stuck in a rut, and then suddenly Boom! Bang! Whoosh-swoosh! things get done. On to the next grumble then do.

Self-score: Yes. No. Yes (grumbling is an action).


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Do you make amends if you cause someone harm? Yes. It’s logical to do so, but terms and conditions apply. Some of those terms and conditions which apply are those of the person who was caused harm, and need to be respected as to make amends to someone requires their permission and participation. They may want you to get the eff away from them and never darken the doorstep of their life again – so you stay the eff away, who cares if you need to say sorry, they do not want to hear it (maybe later they will, and they’ll let you know when that is). That’s the amends they need from you – to respect them, stay away and shut up about your sorry. Some of those terms and conditions which apply come from me – if the someone is a covert narcissist who is playing the victim, got ‘harmed’ because I said No when they wanted a yes, and I didn’t relent after they threw a tantrum, bullied, wheedled, cajoled, were ‘nice’ to me… you grok? Catch my drift?

Are you relatively free of guilt? Hmmm… I always feel a little bit guilty about anything… why is the security guard of this shop following me around, I’m not planning on stealing anything, now I’ll have to buy something just to prove it… hang on a minute!?!… everything… people are dying of starvation and I’m throwing away the ends of the bread loaf because I don’t like to eat those, speaking of garbage, where does my garbage go, is it dumped in a third world country? Why do they have to put up with my garbage being dumped onto them? My plastic is killing the planet… a nothing… did I hurt that person with what I said but they’re not telling me, I should have been more tactful, should I have kept my thoughts to myself, should I make amends but what happens if it makes things worse and I still don’t know if I hurt them, maybe I didn’t and then… a something… a something I should be doing but haven’t done yet and don’t really want to do but it should be done, but does it need to be done or… I’m getting better at talking things through with myself and unraveling those kind of knots. The guiltiness isn’t as heavy or as complicated as it used to be.

Are you a person who can “forgive and forget”? Yes. I’ve had a lot of practice doing this when I really shouldn’t have been doing it. I can also hold a grudge, but I don’t enjoy doing that, so I only hang onto the ones I need to remind me not to do certain things or because I still have some digging to do into it to understand… myself better. If someone is rude, inconsiderate, insensitive, etc, it’s up to me to decide whether to make a mountain out of a molehill or not. I can usually understand why they did or said what they said or did, and let it go because I understand. I’m human too, and can be rude, inconsiderate, insensitive, etc. Life can drive us all a bit nuts, and we may lash out without meaning to hurt when we’re in pain. I won’t hold a grudge over small things because then that makes me the one who hurts others by doing that – it helps no one to do that. People are so much more fun to be with when they don’t feel that you’re holding a grudge over their head like the sword of Damocles, expecting them to feel guilty, make amends, etc. There are only rare instances when I will never forgive and never forget, and never give a person another second chance as if I do then I’ll never forgive myself and will hound myself with the memory of it.

Self-score: Yes. No. Yes.


excerpt from 7 Words Questionnaire – Personality Profile


Do you usually wake up feeling enthusiastic? No. I am very grumpy when I wake up, especially if I was woken up by a fly landing on my head and I hit myself while trying to hit it. But more and more recently I’ve found that the grumpiness wears off quickly. I haven’t reached enthusiastic levels of morning waking, but I don’t think that’s necessary… thinking it’s necessary to wake up feeling enthusiastic will make me even grumpier in the morning. Thanks to exploring my real reasons for grumbling, I’ve gradually learned to stop putting pressure on myself to be, to do, what I don’t feel naturally inclined to be, to do.

Do you “take life as it comes” with easy acceptance? Yes. If what comes is easy to accept. If it’s not easy to accept then hard work will be required to eventually learn to accept it more easily… but what if it’s something unacceptable? Overall I’m fairly easy-going about life, and I’m fairly good at the whole acceptance of what comes thing because it makes life easier – I can get up faster when I get knocked down and can get over it once I figure out how to do that by doing it. I’m not a planner. I don’t have expectations (or at least, the ones I tend to have aren’t ones I actually want to happen and I’m relieved when they don’t rather than disappointed). I am ambitious but about weird things – if no one likes or reads my posts I don’t mind, I do appreciate it (and my ego likes the fact that my blog has had 3,252,942 views and 2,161,290 visitors thus far since I started it in 2013 – I don’t know how many of those visitors liked what they viewed, or if they accidentally ended up here with a click while on a Google hunt, but I do know a few of you keep coming back for more – thank you very much, it means a lot to me that you allow me into your minds and hearts, and I love it when you comment-chat with me and share yourselves). What I’m really after here is the adventure, the challenges and surprises, the meetings with new people, and seeing how I handle them and how they affect me. I have the same attitude towards life.

Are you using your talents well? Yes…? The only real talent I have is being myself as is, thoughts, feelings, quirks, queries, weird warts and all. Since it’s generally assumed that there is only one of each of us and I haven’t met another me to disprove that assumption, I can’t compare myself to another me and decide whether I’m being me and using that talent well or not. I can compare myself to past-me’s, and present-me is my favourite of them all because she is the one who is most comfortable being as is and letting it all hang out… I kind of hope it inspires others to be themselves as is too, but that’s not my choice or decision to make, that’s yours!

Self-score: No. Yes. Yes.

That’s it!

Bruce, mate, you were right to laugh with howling derision when I said I’d keep it short! (this is a reference to Monty Python, just in case you were wondering what I was on… about).

I’m not going to tot up my self-scores and figure out which of the types I am because that’s too complicated. Maybe I’ll do it later (which means I probably won’t, but maybe I will).

If you’re into astrology like I am, the website from which I borrowed this personality test has an excellent section on Sabian Symbols. I found the personality test there while I was researching Sabian Symbols, looking for a new perspective on them from the usual, and James Burgess has written some wonderful interpretations which are intriguing.

Here’s an example, it’s for my natal chart’s Gemini 8 MC (midheaven) – which is the highest point of a chart, and is seen as an aspirational point, what drives you to participate in the world.


Gemini sabian symbols 6 to 10 from Sabian Mysteries


If you decide to participate in this questionnaire, please share your answers with me.

If you’re not a blogger, you can use the comments section on this post.

If you’re a blogger, you can use the comments section on this post if you don’t feel like answering in a post of your own. If you’re a blogger and answer in a post of your own, give me a ping back and/or pop a link in the comments.

Thank you for sharing!

Oh, YES, and HELLO again, apologies for not knowing how to do ‘tagging’, PLEASE let me know the correct way to do it. THANKS! If I ‘tagged’ you and it annoyed you, SORRY, please let me know it’s a NO-no for you and I will make amends by not doing it again. GOODBYE!


  1. That’s how you ‘tag’…you do a ping back to their blog. And thanks for the honor! I’m gonna get on these questions and reblog your excellent post, as soon as church is out. Thanks! 😀


  2. […] Ursula from An Upturned Soul tagged me to this post, and l am glad she did, as l would like to take the opportunity just to express that in truth, l have always welcomed answering questions, however currently l am involved in a huge competition/challenge [yes my own making] which does evolve around asking challengers a lot of questions. Ursula has written this extremely interesting post and at her own concessions the questions haven’t come from her, but from this source here:  7 Words Questionnaire : Personality Profile. […]


    • Haha! 😀

      I meant to follow your blog the other day when I read your post and About, but I couldn’t find the Follow button because it was hidden under the Close and Accept button of the Cookies notice and I don’t usually bother to click the Close and Accept on Cookie notices. So, I’ve followed you now, but, don’t worry, you don’t have to follow back.

      I love it when people do things their way because that’s kind of what life is about, sharing our individual mojo! We’re all a different book in a giant library 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sure, Madame. Hmm, old ginger and garlic tea with double lemon slice. A folk remedy from my hometown for flu and sinuses, the double lemon slice is my addition cos I love lemon, it’s refreshing and contains Vit C 😀

        Take care and have a good rest 🙂


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