Manifesto-ing Madness

When I first set eyes upon The Daily Post’s most recent writing challenge – Manifesto – my mind buzzed with ideas… until it came to actually writing a manifesto… my manifesto… and then my mind did what it always does, which sometimes is a blessing and sometimes a curse – it started scrolling through all the possible options for manifesting a manifesto and then it argued with each one, pros and cons, and in betweens, until I wished that such a thing had never entered its awareness.

Mind you… mind me… I’ve though about manifestos before, I just never considered creating one myself, for myself… or for anyone else… some manifestos are definitely written more for others to see than for the person who is writing them to see and read. It’s a classic vessel for the – this is what I say for effect, for ego, for persona, not necessarily what I really do… talking the talking while walking a very different walk… this is who I say I am and do which is not necessarily who I actually am or do at all, in fact it may be the opposite of me… perhaps for my own benefit in some way or another.

In its most basic form a manifesto is a public declaration of… our ideals which we then try to live up to. That can be stressful. It’s a statement of our intention, of our conscious intention which is often sabotaged or created or both by our unconscious intention… the true intention hiding behind the hoped for intention. Or something like that.

Maybe I’m making it too complicated… welcome to my mind and its ability to make simple things complicated. On the flip side it can at times make complicated things simple. Everything has a flip side…

But what is the case in this case?

The DP’s challenge prompted – This week make a forceful case for… something.

Fairly certain what I’ve come up with is a possible forceful case for having myself committed… but committed where exactly? And by what or whose guidelines? Because let’s face it as much as we (whoever we are) like to pretend, and believe our pretending as fact… none of us knows what… is what. We just think we do… and thinking is mighty powerful in so many ways even when we have a power outage, the light of thinking still flickers as though it’s still working.

A while ago I came across a manifesto by an artist which I related to (almost entirely without too much arguing… just a little bit which for me is like nothing at all) quite deeply… until I investigated its source and found a glaring hypocrisy which I could not ignore… whether the hypocrisy was real or imagined by me… whose nose? Who knows?

Anyway for this particular challenge I went the way (sort of) of mind maps, associations, tangents, and of Dali… as in I was inspired by something he did which I found during my internet search of ‘manifesto’, a doodle (what a magnificent doodler he was!) which is considered a manifesto by some… not sure if he considered it as such but… you decide:



Dali Manifesto?



And so here is my pale shadow…




Hope you can read my handwriting… I don’t care if you can discern what my doodles are… and maybe it’s best if you can’t read my handwriting, although it is in its readable form rather than the other form which often leaves me wondering wtf I had written – maybe I make it illegible because I don’t want anyone to know what I’ve written, including myself.

Who knows? Whose nose?



Intro manifesto-ing.




If you have any questions, ask away…

…whether you’ll get answers…


Such is life and people and being human.



  1. Jolly well said, doodled and cookied, Ursula; I think you have exposed something of the essential daftness of manifesto-ing! xxx


      • So glad you enjoyed it, Ursula – and I so agree with your final sentence; it is, I think, something we forget at our peril. xxx


        • Being human and living our lives is a challenge for all of us, it helps to remember that. It helps us and it helps others. We need to remember to be gentle with ourselves, to empathise and be compassionate with ourselves, as that eases how we are with others, and how others are with us. 🙂


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