Shauny Award for Blogging Excellence – A Celebration of Cerebration


I have been nominated for a Shauny Award by two bloggers whose blogs and writing I admire for many reasons, the main one being that they share themselves with courage, authenticity, humour, and style, and their bold act of sharing their perception of life is truly inspiring.

They are purveyors of delectable mind food.

They are…

The Infinite Abyss(es) | Life in Syracuse New York: An Insider Looking Deeper. Creating Canyons From Nooks.

The nomination is here, please check out the other nominees – The Shauny Award.


Madeline Scribes

The nomination is here, please check out the other nominees – Winning the Shauny Award!!

Thank you both very much for the nomination, I am… I was going to say deeply humbled, but I don’t think jumping up and down with excitement and hugging both of you in my imagination is considered the behaviour of a deeply humbled person.

When you get nominated for a Shauny Award, you also get a visit from Shauny, like this:

Shauny(I screen-grabbed this from Madeline Scribes’ Award post…)

Shauny’s blog is here – prayingforoneday | Looking for reasoning to a complicated World

His personal story is here – Shaun

Dr. Rex – The creator of this award’s blog is here – It Is What It Is | Dr Rex …. blogging for change

The story behind the creation of this award is here – A new blogging award has been created…

The rules of this award are:

Show Humanity

Show Love

Be Yourself

Don’t Be Others

Don’t Gossip

and Share This Award with 10 others.

I think I’ll just skip to the last rule, and let you decide if I happen to accidentally follow the other rules in what I share of myself on my blog.

My nominees are all bloggers whose posts make me cerebrate, and allow me to explore worlds of mind, feeling and experience beyond my own. I am going to link you to the blog and a post of theirs in my nominations:

Thank you, to all of you, for sharing your lives and views and perspectives with me.

bertrand russell



  1. Thanks so much for the nomination!! I am notoriously bad about not responding to award nominations, as far as not passing them on. Terrible, I know, even though I do really appreciate them. I think the best part about the awards is that I get to peruse other blogs which have been nominated. Thanks again!!


  2. Thank YOU for accepting the “ME” Award. It is VERY strange to have a “ME” Award pinging about the blogesphere 😀



    • Life is very strange, sometimes the kind of strange it is involves “ME” awards… which is an excellent kind of strange and you wear it very well 😀

      Thank you for having inspired someone to create a “ME” award so that someone like me could get one and have fun passing it on.


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