Reblog: Modern Friendships Are Leaving Us Dead Inside — MaraWaka

[ Awesome in-depth and thought-provoking post from Mara, exploring the meaning of friendship in our modern internetian times.

The issue of people viewing friendships from a mercenary and self-serving perspective isn’t a new one for me. I grew up in an environment populated by people who thought and acted this way (long before the internet was created). My father often said when imparting ‘life wisdoms’ something along the lines of – You never know when someone might be useful – meaning that he viewed everyone as a potential tool to be called upon and used when needed. He did this with me and with others, but to be fair to him, others around him did this with him too from very early on in his life. Every time he was used by others to advance themselves, it confirmed his cynical view and made him more at ease with using others.

If everyone is doing it… then do you join in and benefit from a mutual understanding that everyone is using everyone else, or do you fight it and find yourself cast out and labeled as someone best avoided because… who do you think you are making others feel bad about themselves for joining in like that!?!

I’ve done both – joining in and trying to fight it. Neither option really solved the problem.

I think that our modern times and especially the age of the internet, aren’t really creating new problems per se as much as they are making us all painfully aware of old problems which we haven’t yet figured out how to solve. The internet takes human behaviour and augments it, shoves it in our faces, at impossible to ignore levels. And in some ways this is a blessing rather than a curse because I think we’re all, like Mara, in a place where we’re ready to figure things out in our own individual ways.

Maybe real friendship starts with giving to ourselves what we’re seeking for in others, and then passing that on in quirky, messy, sort of solved yet still unsolved ways.

Thank you Mara for sharing yourself and your ideas!]


In the social media age, the definition of “friend” has changed dramatically. Now a person can have a thousand, a million, maybe even a billion friends. Nevertheless, we are lonelier than ever.

via Modern Friendships Are Leaving Us Dead Inside — MaraWaka


  1. Is it maybe because all gates are open we see it more in an universal way? Just wondering.. too much choice, options..

    When i contemplate in silence i see it all in motion.

    Ive had people from the past reaching out to me through social media.
    First they talk very happy and proud, where they are and what they do.
    But then i question.. why do you reach out?
    Usually its unresolved or stuck emotions..
    Then the truth comes out.. they arent “really” happy persee.. they are seeking, reminiscing, curiosity, etc..

    Sometimes its a wonderfull tool the web but thats all it is. Its a tool to stop your boredom or get inspiration..

    The other day an ex approached me.. to tell me how much i meant to him and failed the promiss to return back to me. He came from another country and had to go into the army.. sounds like a lovestory lol.
    He gave me half of a heart necklace and i gave it back. Told him: if you really care about me, you bring it back to me personally..
    Gosh i was a teenager but i didnt even took it that serious.
    He felt bad/ guilty that he couldnt keep to that promiss.. still after 20 years.. He was glad he could explain himself.
    I wasnt even aware of the impact.
    Unconsciously it did contribute to the life experience that i couldnt really rely on people..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, thank you so much for sharing it. I’ve always admired your thought-provoking posts. You really helped me understand the things I’ve experienced in my own life. I’ve noticed this problem even in childhood before the social media age. I think social media has just magnified the problem. Now you have whole communities of these “Networkers” as I call them. The few normal people are destroyed or turned into one of them with enough exposure or simply driven off.

    I hope we can regain what it means to be a “friend” to someone. Your friend isn’t a tool to use and abuse. That isn’t how it’s meant to be. It seems like kindness is regarded by these people who Network as an invitation to be a doormat. It’s weakness to them, when the courage to be truly kind is a strength they’ll never have since they live in fear of being vulnerable to others.

    Again, thank you for reblogging my post. All the best wishes to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you! I tried the “networking” but felt almost unclean or tainted for playing that game. This explains more on why I felt yuck and shallow


    • Thank you for sharing 🙂

      I think we do have to try things out for ourselves to see what they’re all about, and then let our personal experience and reactions guide us.


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